Iz želje da proširimo krug ljubitelja, poštovalaca i poznavalaca umetnosti cirkusa, rodila se ideja o pokretanju festivala „Cirkus Danas“.
Na ovoj manifestaciji upoznaćete savremeni cirkus iz raznih perspektiva i saznati:
kojim jezikom govori
kakvu estetiku nudi
koje teme problematizuje
koliko je sličan, a koliko različit u odnosu na tradicionalni cirkus (transparente o zaštiti životinja bezbrižno ostavite kod kuće )
Tokom 4 dana trajanja festivala moći ćete da doživite predstave domaće i inostrane produkcije, da učestvujete u cirkuskim radionicama i da prisustvujete tribinama na kojima će se razgovarati o položaju ove umetnosti u našim krajevima, kao i u raznim zemljama Evrope.
Želimo da festival Cirkus Danas doprinese razvoju i razumevanju cirkuske umetnosti: da je učini vidljivijom, da pokrene pitanja o njenom širem društvenom značaju i da motiviše novu, svežu publiku koja će svedočiti tome šta cirkus danas zapravo jeste.
A zašto je ovaj festival važan za celu društvenu zajednicu? Zato što razvoj umetnosti cirkusa obogaćuje lokalnu umetničku scenu, donosi nove, nadahnute umetničke produkcije i golica radoznalost publike svih uzrasta. Ali ne samo to! Podjednako su važni i obrazovni, inkluzivni, terapijski potencijali ove umetnosti. Upravo oni mogu da pospeše kvalitet života najrazličitijih slojeva našeg društva – u to duboko verujemo.
Svi ste dobrodošli: kao publika na predstavama, ali i kao učesnici na radionicama i tribinama.
Festival CIRKUS DANAS biće održan u prostoru SKCNS-a Fabrika (ali i na još par tajnih lokacija) od 17. 05. do 20. 05. 2024. godine.
Zahvaljujemo se saradnicima koji su podržali našu priču: Gradski odbor za kulturu Novi Sad, Ministarstvo kulture Republike Srbije, SKC Novi Sad Fabrika, Francuski institut, Teatroskop, Francuska ambasada, Ministarstvo kulture Republike Italije , EACEA Kreativna Evropa, Desk Kreativna Evropa – Srbija, udruženje Kreativni pogon, škola Cirkoneo, Bussola, Rigas cirkus, Teatro Nećesario, Cirkusfera, Cirkobalkana…
From the desire to expand the circle of fans, admirers and connoisseurs of circus art, the idea of starting the “Circus Today” festival was born.
At this event, you will get to know the modern circus from various perspectives and find out:
• what language does he speak
• what aesthetics it offers
• which topics are problematic
• how similar it is, and how different it is compared to the traditional circus (don’t worry, leave the banners about animal protection at home )
During the 4 days of the festival, you will be able to experience performances of domestic and foreign productions, participate in circus workshops and attend panels where the position of this art in our region, as well as in various European countries, will be discussed.
We want the Circus Today festival to contribute to the development and understanding of circus art: to make it more visible, to raise questions about its broader social significance and to motivate a new, fresh audience that will witness what the circus actually is today.
And why is this festival important for the entire social community? Because the development of circus arts enriches the local art scene, brings new, inspired artistic productions and tickles the curiosity of audiences of all ages. But not only that! Equally important are the educational, inclusive, and therapeutic potentials of this art. It is they who can improve the quality of life of the most diverse layers of our society – we deeply believe in that.
Everyone is welcome: as an audience at performances, but also as participants in workshops and forums.
The CIRKUS DANAS festival will be held at SKCNS Fabrika (but also at a few other secret locations) from May 17 to May 20, 2024.
We would like to thank the collaborators who supported our story: Novi Sad City Committee for Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, SKC Novi Sad Fabrika, French Institute, Teatroscope, French Embassy, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Italy, EACEA Creative Europe, Desk Creative Europe – Serbia, association Creative plant, Cirkoneo school, Bussola, Rigas circus, Teatro Necesario, Cirkusfera, Cirkobalkana…